This year’s AGM took place on Tuesday 23 May 2023, at Astwood Bank Primary School, Redditch.

The meeting was chaired by our President, Bob Taylor, with Tony Jay (Chairman), Sam Smith (Treasurer) and Jean Chalk (Secretary).

Alan Leadbeater Memorial Award Winner: Matt Bridgewater

This award is presented in honour of our dear friend and President, Alan, who passed away in 2013.

It is the only award whose winner is chosen by our members attending the AGM. It is for their favourite performance of the year, from a previously announced list of nominees chosen by the committee. It is not necessarily for the the biggest role, or most prominent performer of the year – a debut, or a cameo performance could equally be the performance our members enjoyed the most.

We are delighted to announce that this year’s winner of the award is MATT BRIDGEWATER, who was chosen for his role as ‘Lord Farquaad’ in our November 2022 production of ‘Shrek the Musical’.

The photo shows Matt receiving the award from President, Bob Taylor.

Matt Bridgewater and Bob Taylor

Norman Wheeler Memorial Award Winner: Matt Bridgewater

This annual award, dedicated to the memory of our late President Norman Wheeler, is presented at our AGM to a Society member who has, in one way or another, made an outstanding contribution to the Society in the past year.

We are delighted to announce that this year’s deserving recipient of this award is MATT BRIDGEWATER.

In a first for the society, Matt won both major awards this year, and he was recognised for helping out extensively during rehearsals in many different ways.

Whether this was operating the music recordings, or reading parts in when others were absent, even attending additional rehearsals to those called, and generally being a great help all round, all in addition to playing one of the leading roles.

Other Awards

Most Enthusiastic Newcomer to the society was awarded to CLAIRE WILSON.

NODA Long Service Awards were given this year to:

  • Brenda Cooper – 65 Year Pin
  • Sheila Greenfield – 55 Year Pin
  • Elizabeth Boressen – 50 Year Gold Bar, Ribbon and Certificate
  • Wendy Cruise – 50 Year Gold Bar, Ribbon and Certificate
  • Bob Greenfield – 45 Year Silver Bar
  • Tony Jay – 35 Years
  • Liz Bird – 30 Year Silver Bar
  • Roz Chalk – 30 Year Silver Bar
  • Wendy Stroud – 30 Year Silver Bar
  • Vicky Khawaja – 20 Year Badge
  • Rachael Finch – 20 Year Badge
  • Jo Barrett – 20 Year Badge
  • Ryan Allen-Rose – 15 Year Badge
  • Sam Smith – 15 Year Badge
  • Hannah Finch – 10 Year Badge

Many congratulations to them all. Thank you all for being continuing members of ROS.

Committee 2023/24

The committee for this year as appointed at the AGM, and thereafter, are as follows:

  • President: BOB TAYLOR
  • Chairman: TONY JAY
  • Treasurer: SAM SMITH
  • Secretary: JEAN CHALK
  • Committee Member: TESSA LODGE
  • Committee Member: JOY SIDAWAY
  • Committee Member: STEVE SIDAWAY
  • Committee Member: RACHEL SPROSTON
  • Committee Member: LISA SMITH
  • Co-opted (Children Co-ordinator): ROZ CHALK
  • Advisory Member: RYAN ALLEN-ROSE
  • Honorary Member: ANN DUFFIN