Our Members

Honorary Life Members of the Society

Jean ChalkAlan HironsPaula LaceyRobert Taylor
David CruiseTony JayPauline Sherlock
Wendy CruiseNorma KiftPearl Taylor

Society Members 2024/25

Ryan Allen-RoseJoe GeorgeJean MacDonaldKurtis Sequoyah
Sam Allen-RoseLucy GoddardChloe MaeersSarah Shelton
Lucie BarlowMandy GoddardAnn MayorJoy Sidaway
Jo BarrettBob GreenfieldMatt McCrackenSteve Sidaway
Linda BeckSheila GreenfieldDeborah MitchellLisa Smith
Elizabeth BirdSophie GroganKelly MitchellSam Smith
Matt BridgewaterBarbara HallPaul Mitchell (Snr)Phill Sproston
Matt BrownMelanie HartPaul Mitchell (Jnr)Rachel Sproston
Alan BuggRussell HayRichard NeedhamEdward Stokes
Rosalyn ChalkLorraine HillChristine O'SullivanRhiannon Lee Street
David CharterSophie HillAmelia PearceWendy Stroud
Rob ColemanPenny HoyMaddy PerkinsSuzie Tapley
Jenne CollinsSue JohnsonKaren PerreyDaniel Tomson
Brenda CooperReece JonesLouisa PicklesLucy Traves
Ali DugganVicky JordanDanielle PurkessTeresa Twilton
Roger DugganKay KempHannah RamanRoisin Weaver
Melanie EldredFaisal KhawajaMark RamtohulMichelle Westwood
Hannah FinchVicky KhawajaIsabel ReevesClaire Wilson
Jacob FinchKim KnightJohn ReevesLaura Woodall
Rachael FinchLibby LaishleyGill RowlandAnastasia Zacharia
Janet FryerTessa LodgeLucie RowleyDimitrious Zacharia

Friends of ROS 2024/25

Mrs J BeckMs J CooperMr N D JayMrs K Powell
Mr J BeckMrs A DuffinMr F LloydMrs M Powell
Miss I ChalkMr P S EvansMrs M LloydMr S Sidaway
Mrs J ChalkMr L FrayneMrs A MayorMr G Trinder
Mr M ChalkMrs J HawkesMrs E SmithMrs J Trinder
Mrs B CooperMrs D JayMr J McTavish