Charity Donations
One of the Society’s objectives is ‘to assist and further such charitable institutions or charitable purposes as the Society shall from time to time determine’.
We are extremely proud of our support of local and national good causes.
In fact, in the past two decades alone, the Society has generated over £26,000 in donations to individual appeals or from the profits of our concert tours.

Donation of children’s gifts/toys to the Redditch Branch of the Salvation Army in 2018

Donations to Redditch Food Bank in September 2016
Some specific donations include the following:
- Over £200 donated to Redditch Cat Rescue in October 2019.
- £25 donated towards Tim Eagleton’s sponsored walk in September 2019.
- £50 donated to Claire House Children’s Hospice in sponsorship of Rachael and Hannah Finch in August 2019.
- Over £200 of toys bought for Redditch Salvation Army in November 2018.
- £50 donated to Moorfields Eye Charity in sponsorship of Paul Mitchell in August 2018.
- £50 donated to Cancer Research in sponsorship of Abby Entwistle in June 2018.
- £50 donated to Sandford Parks Lido in sponsorship of Penny Hoy in September 2017.
- £50 donated to Macmillan in sponsorship of Simon Chalk in August 2017.
- £50 donated to Alzheimer’s Society in sponsorship of Louisa Pickles in February 2017.
- Over £250 of grocery items donated to Redditch Food Bank in September 2016.
- £50 donated to Bowel Cancer UK in memory of Julian Wilson in September 2016.
- £50 donated to the Lily Mae Foundation in sponsorship of Roz Chalk in August 2016.
- £50 donated to Cancer Research in sponsorship of Joy Sidaway in July 2016.
- £50 donated to Focus Birmingham in sponsorship of Tony Lacey (Marathon) in April 2016.
- £50 donated to St Mary’s Hospice in sponsorship of Laurence Sutton (Marathon) in March 2016.
- £50 donated to the MS Society in support of Michelle Desmond in February 2016.
- £50 donated to Primrose Hospice in support of Paul Mitchell in January 2016.
- Memorial bench at St Peter’s Church, Coughton, in loving memory of Alan Leadbeater in October 2014.
- £100 donated to Prostate Cancer Research in memory of Arthur Avery in February 2014.
- £25 donated to the Movember Appeal in support of Alan Bugg in December 2012.
- £20 donated to the Mayor’s Charity in July 2012.
- Over £200 of goods donated to Redditch Nightstop Charity in April 2012.
- £50 donated to the NSPCC in memory of Barbara Harman in March 2012.
- £200 donated to Redditch Royal British Legion in memory of Maurice Clarke in February 2012.
- £30 donated to Beoley First School for their school calendar in October 2011.
- £50 donated to Cancer Research UK in sponsorship of Ron Munro in July 2011.
- £50 donated to Cancer Research UK in sponsorship of Mark Williams (10K Run) in October 2010.
- £50 donated to Cancer Research UK in sponsorship of Tony Lacey (Half Marathon) in October 2010.
- £250 for sporting equipment for Special Olympics Redditch in September 2009.
- £50 donated to Wythall Animal Sanctuary in memory of John Emms in September 2009.
- £50 donated to League of Friends (Alexandra Hospital) in memory of Margaret Rea in September 2009.
- £50 donated to Primrose Hospice/Macmillan Cancer Support in memory of Mavis Yates in March 2009.
- £50 donated to Birmingham Children’s Hospital in support of Rafe Walker in March 2009.
- £100 donated to A Room For Tilly appeal in February 2009.
- £100 donated to Jennifer Trust for SMA in sponsorship of John Lovell in August 2008.
- £100 donated to County Air Ambulance in sponsorship of Ron Munro in June 2008.
- A piano stool donated to the Palace Theatre, in memory of David Duffin in February 2008.
- £100 donated to St Peter’s Church, Coughton, in memory of Jim McCalman in June 2007.
- £2337 raised through our 2007 spring concert tour.
- £200 donated to Macmillan Nurses and County Air Ambulance in memory of David Duffin in 2007.
- £100 donated to the British Heart Foundation in memory of John Hall in October 2005.
- £2399 raised through our 2005 spring concert tour.
- £50 donated to the Cookhill Village Hall Rebuild Fund in December 2004.
- £100 donated to the Helping Hands Appeal in October 2004.
- £2443 raised through our 2004 spring concert tour.
- £100 donated to the Primrose Hospice in memory of Dr Dennis Brazil in April 2004.
- £150 donated to the County Air Ambulance service in December 2003.
- £2339 raised through our 2001 spring concert tour.
- £2856 raised through our 2000 spring concert tour.
- £100 donated to the Guillain-Barre Syndrome Appeal fund in November 1999.
- A bench donated to the Bowood Nursing Home in Redditch, in September 1999.
- £500 for medical equipment in memory of our President Norman Wheeler, June 1999.
- £2156 raised through our 1999 spring concert tour.
- £2160 raised through our 1998 spring concert tour.
- £250 donated to the Paul Cook Appeal (paralysed in a car accident) in 1997.
- £2310 raised through our 1997 spring concert tour.
- £653 raised through our 1996 spring concert tour.
- £100 donated to the NODA Conference in March 1996.
- £200 donated to the Astwood Bank Park Appeal fund in 1995.
- £500 donated to the BABA Appeal (two local children with Cerebral Palsy) in 1995.
- £1001 raised through our 1994 spring concert tour.
- £55 donated in memory of long time member Tony Carr in January 1994.
- £100 donated in memory of long time member Roland Coles in March 1992.
- £1000 donated to the Primrose Hospice, Bromsgrove in November 1990.
- £1000 donated to ‘Operation Alex’ at the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch.